Rental Rates All fees are to be paid by Bank Draft or CC. If not, a monthly fee of 5$ is added. CC’s are charged an added 3% fee. 13′ x 30′ Boat Storage$120/mo. or $100/mo. w long-term lease.Concrete floors, Lights, and Electricity for battery tender. 2 Available 10′ x 10′ Storage$60/mo. or $50 w long-term lease Waiting List 10′ x 15′ Storage$85/mo. or $72/mo. w long-term lease Waiting List 10′ x 20′ Storage$90/mo. or $80 w long-term lease Waiting List 10′ x 10′ Climate Controlled$110/mo. or $92/mo. w long-term leaseA/C, Dehumidified, and Lighting Waiting List 10′ x 15′ Climate Controlled$145/mo. or $121/mo. w long-term lease A/C, Dehumidified, and Lighting Waiting List Covered RV Parking$85/mo. or $75 for long term lease.Electricity for Battery Tender Waiting List Outside Parking for $35/mo.. Waiting List